Dupont’s All Trimester Abortion Clinic BH Lease, Canceled

August 16, 2023 ·

BEVERLY HILLS—On Tuesday, August 15, news that the DuPont Clinic, all trimester abortion clinic that was to open its doors in Fall 2023, at 8920 Wilshire Blvd Suite 635, in Beverly Hills had their lease canceled.

The Dupont Clinic plans were foiled when Tasha Baker, along with the support of the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, and other pro-lifers, hired lawyers to fight the clinics opening. Dupont’s attorney shared her desire to hold onto Beverly Hills heritage as a refuge for the innocent and the oppressed.

When Baker learned that Dupont’s lease would be canceled, she shared the following statement with Life News: 

“I am grateful to God for this victory for innocent life. Mere weeks before barbaric, late-term abortions were set to begin, California’s first elective third-trimester clinic has been defeated.”

On their website Dupont openly offers abortion on demand which was what was in the original verbiage of Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court’s decision in January 1973, to allow abortion, “At any time for any reason.”

Dupont, based out of Washington DC, openly promotes abortion on demand up to 31 weeks and 6 days gestation. This quote came directly from the Dupont webpage:

“If you are farther than 26 weeks into your pregnancy, we can still see you, regardless of your medical history, background, or fetal indications. We do not require any “reason” to be seen here – if you would like to terminate your pregnancy, we support you in that decision.” – Dupont Clinic

Some people including scientists believe that the infant in the womb is capable of feeling pain once the heartbeat is detected, which is anywhere from 18-22 days after conception.

The following statement came directly from the National Institute of Health (NIH), Library of Health website: 

“The controversy regarding fetal pain is complicated. Relevant factors include neuroanatomical development, consciousness, and physiologic, behavioral, and hormonal responses, as well as medical, ethical, and legal considerations. The onset of fetal pain capacity plays a vital role in identifying ethical issues surrounding painful procedures involving the fetus, such as fetal surgery, abortion, and feticide. Defining the time frame during which fetal pain capacity develops must first be addressed. Current neuroscientific evidence indicates that the onset of fetal pain perception is possible during the first trimester.”

This brought on, the Pain-Capable Heartbeat Protection Act that paved the way to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Governor Gavin Newsom publicly announced his plan to make California an abortion sanctuary.

An anonymous source shared their personal story with Canyon News: 

“A baby boy was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 2008. His mother was approximately 22 weeks along. The baby weighed less than eight ounces, and he survived. His parents named him Max. He was born without any birth defects. As a matter of fact, his parents called him ‘Super Max,” as a toddler because no one would have ever believed this was the baby that entered the world at half a pound, at best. He is now a normal teenager.”

By Sharon

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