Permits Honored In Two Road Races By City Council

January 17, 2024 ·

MALIBU—On Friday, January 12, the city of Malibu announced on its website that the Malibu City Council awarded permits to two organizations to operate road race events in the region. The City Council approved agreements with the Malibu Race Series and Zuma Foundation to operate the two road races that the City allows each year.

Both organizations bring significant community and charitable benefits and have plans to reduce traffic impacts.

According to the City Council Agenda Report, on December 11, 2012, the City Council adopted City Council Policy #47 – Road Race Policy (Attachment 1). In accordance with the Road Race Policy, the City may grant a maximum of two temporary use permits for marathons, triathlons, and cycling events per calendar year.

On August 12, 2013, the city of Malibu entered into a 10-year Agreement with Michael Epstein Sports Productions Inc. to host the Malibu Triathlon (Triathlon) through November 1, 2023. From 2017 to 2021 the Agreement transferred between two agencies, and from 2021 to 2023 Super League Holdings PTE LTD (Super League) organized the Triathlon.

On November 14, 2022, City Council reviewed a proposal for a new five-year Agreement with Super League, which would allow them to continue operating the event through October 2027. Council assessed the request and directed staff to bring back an item in January.

On January 9, 2023, Councilmembers Grisanti and Riggins were appointed to the Road Race Ad Hoc Committee (Ad Hoc). The Ad Hoc met with staff, reviewed the Road Race Policy, and recommended opening a Request for Proposals (RFP).

On August 28, 2023, City Council approved opening a Road Race RFP. Staff worked with the Ad Hoc to compile the proposal requirements, timelines, and selection process. The Road Race RFP was issued on August 30, 2023, and the city of Malibu received four proposals by the September 27, 2023, deadline. The Ad Hoc reviewed the proposals and conducted interviews with each race organizer.

The evaluation process examined the organization’s experience in addition to community benefits and involvement, road race impacts, registration data, proposed street closures, and financial documentation.

Following a thorough evaluation and screening process, the Ad Hoc has recommended the city award the agreements for the two allowable Temporary Use Permits to the Malibu Race Series LLC and Zuma Foundation Inc.

Malibu Race Series LLC and Zuma Foundation Inc. demonstrated a commitment to minimizing road closures and community impacts. The organizations will incorporate programs and partnerships with local organizations. In addition to coordinating the adult races, each organization will plan a children’s race to encourage fitness, goal setting, and the race experience. Fundraising opportunities will be prioritized for local non-profit organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club of Malibu and Malibu schools.

Since the December 11, 2023 Regular Council meeting, staff updated the Road Race Agreements with the following,

• Increased insurance limits and added additional coverage requirements following a recommendation from the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA).
• Included Red Flag Warnings as a condition for a race postponement and/or cancellation (consistent with City Council Policy #47).
• Changed the MRS 2028 proposed race dates since the initial dates were on a holiday weekend.

Each race organizer agreed to work with city staff and submit all required documents, permits, and referrals as part of the race requirements listed in the City Council Policy #47

– Road Race Policy.

For more information, see the staff report:

By Trevor

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