Tag: free

Pacific Opera Project Presents Cinderella Story

August 13, 2024 ·

Photo by Felix Mooneeram.

WEST HOLLYWOOD—The city of West Hollywood announced on its website that the city’s Free Theatre in the Parks will present a mashup opera of Jules Massenet and Gioacchino Rossini’s story of Cinderella, playing at Kings Road Park for six-performances-only starting Saturday, September 7, at 4 p.m. and running Saturdays and Sundays through Sunday, September 22.

Kings Road Park is located at 1000 N. Kings Road. Attendance is free and seating is first-come, first-served. An RSVP is requested at https://cinderella-weho2024.eventbrite.com.

According to a news release from the city’s website, the free theatre experience is courtesy of Pacific Opera Project (POP) and West Hollywood’s Arts Division. POP’s Cinderella Story tells a young girl’s whirlwind love story from housemaid to princess. POP’s family-friendly 90-minute production of Cinderella Story is directed by Jack Zager and will feature cast members Lydia Brown, Jessica Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Byron Mayes, Christina Pezzarossi, Dominic Salvati, Emily Scott, and Christopher Walters, and will be sung in English with a live piano.

Founded in 2011, Los Angeles’s Pacific Opera Project (POP) provides quality opera that is accessible, and affordable. POP hosts hundreds of new opera-goers each season, producing close to 50 operas in more than 11 seasons.

For more information about Free Theatre in the Parks contact Joy Tribble, West Hollywood’s Arts Specialist, at (323) 848-6360 or at jtribble@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, call TTY (323) 848-6496.

By Trevor

Free Document Shredding, Electronic And Hazardous Waste Collection

July 11, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of Christa Dodoo via Unsplash.

WEST HOLLYWOOD—On Tuesday, July 9, the city of West Hollywood noted on its website it will host a free document shredding, electronic and hazardous household waste collection event for residents and businesses. Community members are invited to bring confidential files and unwanted electronics, including hard drives, and household hazardous waste for shredding and recycling. The hazardous household waste collection is for residents only.

The free event will take place on Saturday, July 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center employee parking lot, located at 355 N. San Vicente Boulevard. This is a drive-through event.

All e-waste, hazardous household waste and documents must be in the trunk prior to arrival. Paperclips, paper clamps, spiral bound notebooks, ringed notebooks must not be included in documents to be shredded.

E-waste will be handled by certified electronics recycler, Homeboy Recycling, that protects the planet and keeps data safe while creating jobs for individuals in the region. All electronics are accepted, with the exception of large appliances, thermostats, light bulbs, and batteries.

For more details call (323) 222-3322. Household hazardous waste collection will be handled by Clean Earth, Inc. For more information about Clean Earth, Inc., contact Luis Cortez-Mortero at (909) 634-4217, or Juan Sanchez at (213) 304-0141.

For details about the event contact Matt Magener, West Hollywood’s Environmental Programs Coordinator, at (323) 848-6894 or at mmagener@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing call TTY (323) 848-6496.

By Trevor

‘Summer Sounds 2024’ Free Concert Series Start July 7

June 13, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of Kane Reinholdsten via Unsplash.

WEST HOLLYWOOD—West Hollywood’s Summer Sounds Free Outdoor Concert Series returns starting Sunday, July 7 where concerts will take place on select Sunday evenings at 4 p.m. and will run thru Sunday, August 18, at Plummer Park, located at 7377 Santa Monica Boulevard.

The city of West Hollywood’s 2024 Summer Sounds Free Outdoor Concert Series is organized by the city’s Arts Division. Summer Sounds concerts are free to attend; RSVPs are not required but are requested. Reserved seating is not available. Attendees are encouraged to bring picnics, park blankets, and low chairs. Food will also be available for purchase.

For additional details about Summer Sounds performers and to find out details about the series visit www.weho.org/summersounds.

For more information about Summer Sounds contact Joy Tribble, West Hollywood’s Arts Specialist, at (323) 848-6360 or at jtribble@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing call TTY (323) 848-6496.

By Trevor

Free Weekend Trolley, The PickUp, Celebrates 10 Years

November 30, 2023 ·

WEST HOLLYWOOD—The city, West Hollywood City Council, and its Public Safety Commission are joining the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station, local Fire Stations 7 and 8, and Block by Block Security Ambassadors to remind the public not to drink and drive as the upcoming holiday season arrives.

The PickUp, a free trolley service launched in 2013 is celebrating 10 years this year and a community reception will be held. The trolley runs along Santa Monica Boulevard on Friday and Saturday nights from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. and on Sundays from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on specific holidays.

The trolley carries people safely to and from bars, clubs, restaurants, and entertainment venues in and around West Hollywood’s Rainbow District, Center City and Eastside areas.

The reception will take place on Monday, December 4, at 5:30 p.m. in the motor court adjacent to West Hollywood’s Council Chambers/Public Meeting Room, located at 625 N. San Vicente Boulevard. It is free and open to the public to attend and will happen before the regular meeting of the West Hollywood City Council, which will start at 6 p.m.

The PickUp provides more than 100,000 passenger trips each year and connects individuals to the places in the city they want to go. The PickUp reduces driving while intoxicated and eases parking and traffic congestion. Details for riding can be viewed at: www.wehopickup.com.

West Hollywood works year-round to raise awareness about safe driving, distractions, and pedestrian safety. The City’s Drive Mindfully campaign reminds community members to encourage safety in the community whether driving, bicycling, or walking. The City’s Imbibe Intelligently campaign promotes safety tips and messages regarding alcohol consumption and encourages responsibility as the city works to maintain safe establishments that are free from overconsumption of alcohol.

As the holiday season approaches, the West Hollywood Station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has issued the following safety tips:

-Even one drink can impair your judgment and increase the risk of getting arrested for driving drunk — or worse, the risk of having a crash while driving.

-If you will be drinking or using marijuana, do not plan on driving. Plan ahead; designate a sober driver before the party begins – a designated driver is someone who hasn’t had any alcohol or marijuana, not just the person who drank or smoked the least.

-If you have been drinking or using marijuana, do not drive. Call a taxi, phone a sober friend or family member, use a ride share service or public transportation, or call one of your local sober ride home programs.

-Be responsible. If someone you know is impaired, do not let that person get behind the wheel, and do not accept a ride with an impaired person.

-If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement. Your actions may save someone’s life, and inaction could cost a life.

The West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station’s Community Impact Team (CIT) actively patrols bars, nightclubs, and hotels. Deputies are proactive in addressing impacts from entertainment establishments and special events. The Sheriff’s Station’s Entertainment Policing Team (EPT) focuses on entertainment and alcohol-related law enforcement issues. Together, the Sheriff’s Station and the City’s Code Compliance Division work with the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to educate businesses and work collaboratively on alcohol-related issues.

For more details about The PickUp Celebrating 10 Years or about West Hollywood’s transit programs contact Douglas Bear Nguyen, West Hollywood Transportation Program Administrator, at (323) 848-6370 or at dnguyen@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing call TTY (323) 848-6496.

By Trevor

City Hosting Free Document Shredding At Waste Collection Event

July 6, 2023 ·

WEST HOLLYWOOD—The city will host a free document shredding, electronic and hazardous household waste collection event for residents and businesses. Community members are invited to bring confidential files and unwanted electronics, including hard drives, and household hazardous waste for shredding and recycling. The hazardous household waste collection is for residents only.

The city of West Hollywood indicated on its website that the free event will take place on Saturday, July 22, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center employee parking lot, located at 355 N. San Vicente Boulevard. This is a drive-through event. All e-waste, hazardous household waste and documents must be in the trunk prior to arrival.

E-waste will be handled by certified electronics recycler, Homeboy Recycling, in a way that protects the planet and keeps data safe while creating jobs for people in the region facing serious barriers to employment. All electronics are accepted, with the exception of large appliances, thermostats, light bulbs, and batteries. For more details call (323) 222-3322. Household hazardous waste collection will be handled by Veolia North America. For information call Sandy Nunez at (626) 594-2146.

For additional details, contact Matt Magener, Environmental Programs Coordinator of West Hollywood, at (323) 848-6894 or at mmagener@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing call TTY (323) 848-6496.