Tag: silent film star

Silent Film Star Marion Davies Being Honored

January 18, 2024 ·

SANTA MONICA—The city of Santa Monica announced on January 17 that on Sunday, January 28 they will be celebrating silent film star and philanthropist Marion Davies. The event will take place from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Santa Monica Conservancy and Annenberg Community Beach House. It will be free to all ages.

According to a press release from the city, Davis became famous during the golden age of Hollywood. She was known for her bubbly personality and parties she and her paramour William Randolph Hearst held at their oceanfront estate where the Annenberg Community Beach House currently stands.

The event will take place at the Beach House courtyard where guests can enjoy live music by Natalie Jacob & The Vintage Quartet, learn social dances of the 1920s with James Zimmer and Cynthia Harper, experience magic with Tom Frank, and get a peek into Marion’s original 1928 guest house designed by Julia Morgan and currently part of the Annenberg Community Beach House. Lara Gabrielle, author of “Captain of Her Soul: The Life of Marion Davies” will allow guests to purchase the comprehensive biography about Marion Davies.

Attendees are asked to wear vintage attire. RSVPs are requested. All ages are welcome.
For more details, visit annenbergbeachhouse.com. Future events celebrating the Beach House legacy include Hollywood on the Santa Monica Beach on Sunday, February 11 and the annual Julia Morgan Legacy Day on Sunday, March 3.

The Annenberg Community Beach House is wheelchair accessible and ADA compliant. For disability related accommodations call Guest Services at 310-458-4904.

By Trevor